Paoli Winter Games Rescheduled to March 5!
Brat Toss, Keg Throw, Hopenslaugen, Soup Contest, Live Music and More!
Due to an unfavorable weather forecast the Paoli Winter Games have been rescheduled to March 5. The Hop Garden will deliver an afternoon of winter fun unlike anything else! Participate or Spectate! Either way, fire pits, fresh air, cold beer and warm soup awaits.
1pm - Soup Contest! Compete or Eat! Sign up in the Tap Room to participate with your favorite soup, or enjoy a bottomless bowl for only $6. Proceeds to benefit Paul's Party.
2-4pm - Winter Games! Bring a buddy and go head to head against other teams of two to see who can throw an empty keg the farthest, toss and catch a brat like no other, make it the furthest without spilling a full stein of beer, and hammer it home the fastest in hopenlaugen. Athleticism isn't necessary for these winter games, but a sense of humor most definitely is!
4-7pm - Live Music in the Loft by Shekinah King!
4:30pm - 2022 Winter Games Winner and Soup Chef Announced
Purchase Hop Garden beer for pick up
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